Happy Friday and (almost) Halloween!
Here are some Holland facts that are so Dutch fun!
- Holland consists of 2 of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands. The 3 biggest cities in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and the Hague) are all located in Holland. ‘Dam!
- Amsterdam has 1,281 bridges. Now that’s riveting.
- Amsterdam has over 250 coffee shops. That’s a whole latte of good vibes.
- Amsterdam is built on over a million wooden poles extending about 30-40 feet into the ground. Wow, trees must be a poplar source for building materials there.
- Rotterdam has the largest port in Europe. Maybe that is how they can ex-port so much cheese? Hmm, gouda question.
Here’s to having a Holl’y Jolly Halloween & to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.
-the Taaluma Team