Map the Journey

Map the Journey

From the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro to the waters of Fiji to the buildings of downtown Chicago, our customers have taken their Taaluma Totes to some pretty cool places. 
Thinking about this inspired us: wouldn’t it be interesting to map out some of the coolest spots that the Taaluma Tote has traveled to?
To do that, we will need your help: Can you share with us the coolest place you’ve taken your tote to? ...choosing just one may be hard, so you are welcome to share a few if you’d like :) 

Share the coolest place you've taken your tote to

And on a separate note, we would also really really appreciate it if you told us the #1 way you use your tote (i.e. for carrying groceries, for a day trip, for a work bag, for a purse, etc.)
We believe that every tote has a unique story to tell, and we would love to hear yours. By sharing your tote's journey with us, you'll help us understand how our products are used and how we can improve them in the future.
You can fill out the form here.
-the Taaluma Team

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