Golden Great 

Earlier this month, we asked you to share some of the coolest places you’ve taken your tote to.   Thank you for your responses, we really enjoyed reading through them....


Grupo Las Vecinas Group - Guatemala

Knitting A loan helped a member to buy different color threads for her crafts business. Grupo Las Vecinas Group's story Juana, 25, is married and...

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Wilson - Uganda

Farming A loan helped to buy mulch and manure to enhance productivity. Wilson's story Wilson, aged 39, is married with eight children (19, 17, 15,...

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Nicholas - Uganda

Farming A loan helped to buy organic fertilizers. Nicholas's story Nicholas is 25 years old and married with three children and one dependent who they...

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Kirizesitom - Uganda

Agriculture A loan helped to buy bark cloth from farmers for processing and marketing. Kirizesitom's story Kirizesitom is married and 31 years old, with two...

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Josué Edgardo - El Salvador

Pigs A loan helped to buy 6 pigs and concentrated feed for fattening them to sell later. Josué Edgardo's story Josué studied through his high...

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Margaret - Kenya

Farming A loan helped to buy certified fertilizer to improve her farm's corn production and use the profits to fuel her future. Margaret's story Margaret...

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Josephine - Kenya

Farming A loan helped to pay for farm inputs such as seeds, and to hire labour in order for this borrower with a good credit...

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Madhuri - India

Fruits & Vegetables A loan helped to expand her husband’s vegetable selling business by buying more categories of vegetables. Madhuri's story Madhuri is a 23-year-old...

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Aparna - India

Fish Selling A loan helped to expand her husband's fish selling business by buying more fish. Aparna's story Aparna is a 28-years-old married woman hailing...

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